Dr Deborah Pardo

Environmental speaker
Impact scientist

I inspire leaders to act to preserve our planet


Our Challenges for Sustainable Development


The paradigms that constitute our societies are on the verge of collapsing because planetary boundaries have been exceeded.


We worry about future generations, leading to counterproductive behaviors that increase the use of natural resources.


The climate is becoming unpredictable, access to fresh water is becoming scarce, and biodiversity is entering a 6th mass extinction crisis.


More and more people and businesses want to act for environmental protection but don't know how.

My Method: The Compass for WingspanLeaders®

For you, who wants to take action against climate change for future generations. If you feel concerned about the systemic challenges of environmental preservation.

No matter your occupation, level of education, gender, or responsibilities: human resources, CSR strategy, ESG criteria in SMEs, large private sector companies, or local authorities.

We can all be Wingspan Leaders®.

Your story and experience have shaped strengths, values, and an ecosystem that make you unique.

The compass is the essential tool for navigating the complex and uncertain world ahead.

I will show you how to stay optimistic and, most importantly, how to act positively without blaming yourself or others.

  • 15 years of interdisciplinary and international research 
  • Condensed to save you time and energy 
  • 4 cardinal points to reach in an essential order 
  • 20 skill milestones to develop 
  • Guided by the symbolism of albatrosses

My services

Talk on Environmental and Ecological Transition Leadership

Available in French or English, recommended duration: 1 hour + 30 minutes Q&A.

Put on your hats, hold on to the feathers, you're being taken on an albatross ride in Antarctica.

  • I don't just guarantee a live quiz, intense emotions, and contagious energy.
  • I don't just share my anecdotes as a polar explorer with exclusive video screenings.
  • I don't just argue why the compass of 20 skills for Wingpan Leaders® is fundamental. 

On stage, I bring a real wave of inspiration and optimism to your teams by making scientific rigor accessible and guilt-free.

My goal? To motivate you to take action against the five causes of biodiversity extinction (climate change, pollution, habitat degradation, overexploitation, and the introduction of invasive species).

Masterclass on Work-Life Balance for the Preservation of Life

Online pre-sales start early 2025 - Stop worrying about the future and unleash your full potential.

Embrace this pivotal period of Humanity with optimism. Each day, embody one of the 20 skill milestones to make an impact, completing all in 4 weeks:

  • Over 10 hours of video training with more than 20 tools, exercises, and over 100 resources to enjoy
  • 1-on-1 coaching with Deborah to provide feedback and boost you with resources and contacts
  • Exclusive bonuses and a community of Wingspan Leaders, with lifetime access including all updates

My goal? To train you in using the Wingspan Leaders® compass to find your own impactful direction.

First Book on Fascination for Our Planet Through the Eyes of Albatrosses

Currently being written, set to be published in April 2025 by a yet-to-be-revealed publisher.

This will be an illustrated essay weaving together my three facets:

  • The passionate scientist of albatrosses, sharing knowledge in ecology, from cells to space
  • The mother, explorer, and impact entrepreneur, recounting her adventures and storms
  • The philosopher, both worried and hopeful about our future, putting things into perspective

My goal? To offer you a piece of eco-literacy, an intimate sharing, and admiration of Nature to inspire you to explore your own path.

Customer testimonials

Big Companies

SME’s Business Leaders

International Scientits

Local Authorities

The scientist
The speaker
The polar explorer
The APM expert
The independent board member
The author
The consultant
The entrepreneur
The mother

Deborah Pardo, environmental speaker, scientist specializing in albatrosses, explorer.

Originally from and based in Marseille, Deborah is an explorer of Life, with an insatiable curiosity, contagious optimism, and boundless energy.

Deborah holds a Ph.D. in population ecology. She spent months in albatross colonies in Antarctica, modeling the threats of human activities for 8 years in laboratories across 4 different countries, and publishing scientific articles at the highest level.

She then ventured into impact entrepreneurship by developing leadership programs for female entrepreneurs at sea, for SME leaders in collective intelligence, and for environmental strategy in boardrooms.

She is convinced that each person can extend their wingspan like an albatross, the largest bird in the world, provided they question themselves and truly understand the complexity of the challenges surrounding us.

A mother of two children, she was elected Top 20 Women Innovators, admitted to the French Society of Explorers, and still spends part of the year on sea expeditions.

Download a communication kit

Awards and Distinctions


Top 20 Women Innovators, 2017
Member of the French Society of Explorers, 2023
Attractiveness Trophy - Environment category, 2019


Congratulations from the Doctoral Thesis Jury, 2012
Best Student Performance Award, Athens, USA, 2012
Best Student Talk Award, Plymouth, UK, 2011


1% for the Planet Laureate Ecocitizen Movements category, 2022
Trophies for Sports and Corporate Social Responsibility, National Assembly, 2022
Engaged Enterprise Trophy, 2020

Media Appearances

What is the scope of your leadership?

Test your 20 Wingspan Leader® skill milestones  for free.

You will receive personalized interpretation and advice.

I'm taking the quizz!
Dr Deborah Pardo
Legal noticeContact
Website : Studio Carmine
Copyrights photos albatros :
Boussole - Lachlan Hall
Traversant - Dimas Gianuca
Test Envergure - Raphaël Sané

