Dr Deborah Pardo

"Deborah came to share her experience and commitment with team leaders from all the high schools in Île-de-France during a day dedicated to ecological transition. Her determination to preserve species affected by climate change was contagious. She gave a positive boost to the team leaders who immediately felt challenged. We could have listened to her for hours! We left with the certainty that the protection of natural heritage is at the heart of preserving our planet, and that everyone must and can act at their level to contribute! Thank you Deborah for sharing your convictions with enthusiasm and optimism through a vivid narrative accompanied by spectacular images of Antarctica and Albatrosses! Beyond your encouraging messages, we will all remember your sunny and communicative energy to take action!"

Dr Deborah Pardo
Mentions légalesContact
Conception du site : Studio Carmine
Copyrights photos albatros :
Boussole - Lachlan Hall
Traversant - Dimas Gianuca
Test Envergure - Raphaël Sané

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